Student Support
The school provides four main areas of support to students: (i) support to students with special educational needs, (ii) transition plan for primary one, (iii) gifted education, and (iv) other curriculum supports. These various modes of support aim to cater for students learning diversity.
Support to Students with Special Educational Needs
The school promotes student support with the following in mind; early identification, early intervention, Whole School Approach (WSA), home-school co-operation and cross-sector collaboration. We strive to build an inclusive and caring campus to support students with special educational needs. The school provides these students with diversified support, specially catered learning program and homework to enhance students' learning effectiveness. The school attaches great importance to home-school cooperation and the establishment of a constant communication mechanism with parents through different channels to discuss strategies to support students. Support services include:
Early Identification and Intervention Programme for P.1 Students with Learning Difficulties —(EII Programme): Teachers will observe the learning performance and behaviour of Primary One (P.1) students during the first term of the school year and complete the Observation Checklist for Teachers (OCT) for students in need. The teachers and the school-based educational psychologist (EP) will identify the degree of learning difficulties of the relevant students according to the results of the OCT and their learning performance so that the school will provide the follow-up services.
Educational Psychology Service: Educational psychologists from the Education Bureau provide services to the school through regular visits. These services include; educational psychological assessments for students, a student support team to design individual support plans for students and parents, and to conduct professional development activities for teachers.
Speech Therapy Service: The school uses the Enhanced Speech Therapy Grant to purchase professional services of speech therapists. The speech therapists visit the school regularly to identify students with speech and language impairment, provide speech therapy and progress assessment to improve student’s speech and language skills. In addition, speech therapists conduct professional development activities for teachers and provide professional advice to parents regarding support strategies for home.
Subject Remedial Classes: In order to cater for learning differences, the school runs Chinese, English and Mathematics remedial classes for students with lower achievement or learning difficulties. These classes aim to target the students' learning weaknesses and provide a step-by-step learning approach to improve the outcomes.
Purchased Professional Training Group: The school appreciates that students with learning difficulties may require different types of support. In response to these needs the school purchases outside professional services which include; attention training, social skills training and emotional regulation training, etc., so that students can have appropriate group training.
Transition Plan for Primary One
Kindergarten and primary school are two distinct stages of learning. To help students and parents bridge these two stages the school arranges a multitude of activities to enable students to adapt to primary school life. The school provides the following activities.
School Open Days: The school arranges for kindergarten parents to attend school briefings, visit the school building, and allow kindergarten students to participate in experiential activities to help them understand primary school life.
Primary One Parents’Meetings: In order to facilitate home-school communication the school organizes different parent meetings to provide briefings on school policies, curriculum, share learning experiences and guide parents on students’ examination preparation strategies.
Transition Training Program for Primary One: In order to help primary one student’s adapt to school life, as soon as possible, the school organizes a series of adaptation activities for students before the beginning of the school year. After the commencement of school year the school also organizes a cohesive adaptation training course to help students familiarize themselves with the school environment and enhance their self-care ability. Students learn how to write their handbooks, queue up, pack their school bags and school routines, etc.
English and Chinese Oral Training Bridging Course: To enhance the communication skills and ability of our primary one students’ in Chinese and English languages, the school provides lunchtime Chinese and English oral small group training.
Gifted Education
With the ultimate aim to help gifted students develop their potential to the fullest extent, our school provides various tiered school based advanced learning support. These supports include the following programs.
Universal Gifted Education Program: The school provides rich learning experiences to students through diverse learning to nurture students’ potential. Three elite elements including; higher order thinking skills, creativity and social skills are built into daily class learning, such as STEM education and cross-curricular projects.
Universal Quality Education Program: The school provides special educational provision, or pull-out programs, for high ability students to enhance their abilities and achievements through developing their subject knowledge, leadership skills and positive values. These programs include Mathematical Olympiad, creative writing in both Chinese and English, debate team, AI, etc.
Other Curriculum Support
Online Tutorial for Chinese, English, Mathematics and General Studies: The school provides online tutorial during afternoon sessions to assist students to learn at home, to solve homework problems and to complete their homework.
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